This time, officials have set out a clearer plan& complete with when and how it expects to raise inflation to 2%. 这次,日本政府的计划更为清晰&它说明了政府将怎样提高通胀率以及将在什么时候让通胀率达到2%。
Google, whose role as gatekeeper for much of the world's online information puts it at the centre of the debate, has apparently decided it is time to stake out a clearer line. 谷歌作为全球相当大部分在线信息看门人的角色,让其处在了这场辩论的中心。该公司显然已得出结论,是时候划出一条更清晰的界限了。
As I have tried to show, modern writing at its worst does not consist in picking out words for the sake of their meaning and inventing images in order to make the meaning clearer. 正如我所演示,现代文风之大谬莫过于不再遴词选句,以便清晰地表情达意。
The view and control layers tend to be better thought out and are often simpler and clearer. 视图层和业务层会更容易理解,更加简单和更清楚。
At the risk of being tedious, I must add a few more illustrations, to bring out into a still clearer and stronger light the idea of Capital. 第三节尽管可能会使读者感到厌烦,我还是要再加上几个实例,来把资本概念说得更明白清楚些。
All ornamentation is left out to create a clearer image, but note that even the ornaments do have profound symbolic meaning. 所有的装饰物都被省略以供营造清楚的视效,但请注意甚至装饰物本身都具有深厚的符号意义。
A tax on carbon is hardly going to stop the lights going out in a few years, but it would provide a floor price for power, giving investors a clearer sense of likely profits. 碳税几乎不能阻止几年后灯光熄灭,但它能提供电力的底价,让投资者清晰地意识到潜在利润。
Internet with open and relatively free of loose degree, allows people to speak out of control and restriction of the system of social rights. People can open up broad expression of personal opinions, positions, emotions, and expression of public opinion is clearer. 网络具有的开放性和相对自由的宽松度,使得民众发言摆脱了社会权利体制的管制和限制,可以畅所欲言无所顾忌的表达个人的观点、立场、情绪,民意表达更为畅通。